Central vacuum systems for cleaner, healthier, easier home cleaning

Quieter cleaning, less hassle

The RegaVent CVS is so convenient. It's a permanently installed vacuum system with a central suction unit and vacuum sockets conveniently sited throughout the house. You simply 'plug in' the vacuum hose to a handy wall socket and vacuum away!

Quieter cleaning

What's more, the central suction unit at the heart of RegaVent CVS is 50% more powerful than a typical cylinder or upright cleaner, so there's no more effective or convenient way of cleaning, the heavy dust particles which are trapped in the separate filter chamber are easily and cleanly removed in a disposable bag.

No matter which unit you decide to install, it will make your house cleaning just a whisper of what it was. Imagine being able to vacuum and still hear the phone ring, listen to your favourite music. You can even vacuum the bedrooms while your children are sleeping.

All this can be achieved with a Central Vacuum System where cleaning your home will become a breeze. No more lugging around a cumbersome machine or scratching skirting boards and damaging door frames due to its unique flexible suction line which will run through minimal spaces.

RegaVent CVS is quick and easy to install, whether you are a professional building a new home or a DIYer improving an existing property. The central unit looks just like any other small kitchen appliance and, because of its low noise operation, it can be conveniently installed in a utility area or even the kitchen. The hose handle is fitted with a remote on/off switch and the system is designed to 'run-on' for five seconds after switch off so that the hose is totally cleared of any smells or residue so that nothing can filter back into the room.

RegaVent CVS is Just a quieter, simpler more effective way of cleaning.